Monday, March 2, 2009

Woman with Two Wombs Delivers Twin Daughters

Shane and Sarah Reinfelder of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., hold their twin girls Valerie Marie and Kaylin Joy, who were born from two separate uteri at Marquette General Hospital.Photo-AP
This is pretty amazing. In the video below, they said this is only the third time something like this has happened:
A northern Michigan woman with two wombs has given birth to twin daughters -- one from each uterus.

The Mining Journal and WLUC-TV reported 21-year-old Sarah Reinfelder's babies were delivered seven weeks premature Thursday by Caesarean section at Marquette General Hospital in the Upper Peninsula.

Dr. Connie Hedmark and Dr. Breanna Pond first delivered Kaylin Joy, then Valerie Marie, the larger twin by one pound. Kaylin Joy weighed 3 pounds, 15 ounces. Both babies are healthy, and they and their mother are doing fine.

Reinfelder has uterus didelphys, and doctors say such twin births are rare. The uteri are different sizes, with the larger twin born from the larger uterus.
> Read More from the Associated Press

I'm so happy for the proud parents! Watch a CNN video of the story:

1 comment:

  1. That is a miracle story. Wow, those babies are a gift from above.

    Giovanna Garcia
    Imperfect Action is better than No Action


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