Thursday, March 19, 2009

Disabled Iraq Veteran Overcomes Tragedy & Inspires Others

As a veteran, American and well, a human being, this story really touches me. Mr. Smith was speaking this week as part of Disabilities Week in Arkansas:
Imagine joining the army and being sent to Iraq to serve your country. Then an explosion caused by a rocket-propelled grenade causes you to lose almost every function of your body.

This is what happened to retired Army Maj. Anthony Smith April 4, 2004.

Pronounced dead after the attack, 17 minutes passed before soldiers discovered Anthony Smith was alive. He was in a coma for 62 days and lost part of his right arm and his entire right hip. After more than thirty surgeries, the retired army Major now uses his survival to help inspire others to never give up.

"No matter what you're going through, use it to your advantage and don't ever give up. You may lose some battles, but the key is to win the war," said Smith.

Now Smith uses his experience to help counsel other injured soldiers. He is working on getting his PhD in counseling so he can counsel others.
> Read More About Smith's Talk in The Herald.

> Read More About Smith's Long Journey

1 comment:

  1. This is a story of a Hero. I love what he said, "No matter what you're going through, use it to your advantage and don't ever give up..."
    Thank you,
    Giovanna Garcia
    Imperfect Action is better than No Action


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