Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Snow. I have a love/hate relationship with it. On one hand, it's laborious and annoying to constantly clear my looooong after day (especially here in Madison, WI where we just broke our record for most snowfall in December!).

But on the other, it's so, so beautiful. I cherish the days when the snow is falling down in thick batches and the world is blanketed in soft, radiant white. The following are a few images that remind me of what I love about winter.

(Click each to view the image at Flickr and see more from that photographer)

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Click for full-size image on Flickr

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> View More Snowy Pics @ Flickr

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Good Riddance Day

good riddance day

This past Sunday, the 2nd annual Good Riddance Day was held in downtown New York City for the public to "say goodbye, once and for all, to those bad memories of 2008." For an hour, "shredders were stationed on Duffy Square to discard any distasteful, embarrassing and downright depressing memories from 2008."

Organizers said "last year’s inaugural GOOD RIDDANCE DAY was an unqualified success, with scores of people lining up to shred everything from disappointing report cards to CDs with a song they never wanted to hear again to fattening foods they’d sworn to renounce – anything with a bad memory from the previous year."

I really like the cathartic aspect of the event - on the event site (link below), there is a picture of a young girl sharing a list of things she'd like to improve about herself. Another woman said "good riddance" to being single...because she's getting married! How sweet.

> Visit the Official Good Riddance Day Webpage

> Watch Video Clips from the Event (Quicktime format)

Monday, December 29, 2008

Chicago 911 Dispatchers Save Christmas

This story was posted in the "odd news" section of United Press International yesterday - It's a great story, but sadly it is "odd" in the sense that it's rare. Don't you wish that helping out those in need wasn't "odd?"

I think this is a beautiful story of some co-workers coming together and transcending their everyday lives - and daily grind - for a greater purpose.

From UPI:
Chicago's 911 dispatchers say they rescued Christmas this year for a family whose distraught grandmother had called for help.

Shirley Bell, 61, called 911 Christmas Eve morning for her very upset 8-year-old grandson, Malik Parish, the Chicago Sun-Times reported Sunday.

"It was something about that grandmother's voice, and that child and his candidness. He said, 'I don't have any toys for Christmas,'" said 911 dispatcher Pamela Jenkins.

Bell, who has custody of five children, said she recently suffered a stroke and a heart attack, and support checks from the state had not arrived.

Jenkins alerted co-workers and dispatched police officers, who found a nice, clean home without a single sign of Christmas, the Sun-Times reported.

Within hours, the 911 dispatchers and their families had gathered $200 for new presents to go with nice toys and clothes donated by their own children, Jenkins said. Malik got a G.I. Joe and a PlayStation 1 and groceries were delivered to his family Christmas Day.

"There are countless times we want to help,'' Jenkins said. "I enjoyed it, and I wished we could help people more than we do.''
Watch a CNN video interview with the dispatchers:

Sunday, December 28, 2008

40 Inspirational Speeches in Two Minutes

A humorous and uplifting clip from Funny or Die. What I like about this is the wide range of movies, from silver screen classics to, um, Goonies.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Woman Posts Open Invite to Holiday Meal

Would you invite strangers over to your Christmas dinner? Watch the following video about a North Carolina woman who posted a public invitation to her family dinner on Craigslist in the spirit of the holiday.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Hero Dog Tries To Help Wounded Dog

This video is only a minute long and pretty amazing. You always here about the heroic nature of dogs in the news, usually by saving their owner or similar. But here is one caught on tape...helping another dog! From Santiago, Chile.

> Read more about it in the video description @ YouTube

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

'Internal Decapitation': One Boy's Amazing Recovery

Jordan Taylor playing Air HockeyYou probably saw that headline and said "what?" I did too.

Internal decapitation is when your skull separates from your spine...and nine-year old Jordan Taylor not only survived it recently, but is doing well!

98 out of 100 people with this injury do not survive.

His mother said it best:
"I'm just grateful that he is alive and breathing, and he is walking -- I have to tell him to slow down."

"This is the best Christmas miracle that I could ever imagine."
> Read the Full Story

> See Video Coverage from Local News

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hard Times, a Helping Hand

ChecksA friend passed on this wonderful story about a gracious man who helped others during the depression.
IN the weeks just before Christmas of 1933 — 75 years ago — a mysterious offer appeared in The Repository, the daily newspaper here. It was addressed to all who were suffering in that other winter of discontent known as the Great Depression. The bleakest of holiday seasons was upon them, and the offer promised modest relief to those willing to write in and speak of their struggles. In return, the donor, a “Mr. B. Virdot,” pledged to provide a check to the neediest to tide them over the holidays....

> Read the full wonderful story here in the NY Times and pass it on.

Army Dad Shocks Girl on Santa’s Lap

It was this video and a similar one that gave me the inspiration for this blog. I shared a few videos like this before with friends and it touched them deeply... I figured more than just my friends would enjoy it as well.

Dec. 5: Three-year-old Kensley Penney got her Christmas wish when her father, who had been serving in Afghanistan, came home for the holidays. WXII's Kim Gebbia reports.