Friday, May 1, 2009

Scientists Study "Smiling" Spider in Hawaii

Smiling to stay alive Spider’s happy face puzzles predators - Daily TelegraphYes, that's a real picture.

This falls in the "things of beauty" category. I look at this and think of my wife and daughters who scream and yell bloody murder at the sight of the most eensy, weensy spider - but this arachnid makes you smile instead. How cool is that?

Also, as you'll see the spider is also a reminder to the plight of native species who have been crowded out by many non-native ones causing the happy face spider to face extinction:

The spider, which measures just a few millimeters across, has developed strange markings similar to the appearance of a smiling face. Scientists think that theridion grallator, which is harmless to humans, has evolved the patterns to confuse predators.

It is under-threat of extinction in the rainforests of the Hawaiian island chain in the Pacific...from the introduction of animals not native to the islands.

Dr Geoff Oxford, a spider expert from the University of York, said: "I must admit when I turned over the first leaf and saw one it certainly brought a smile to my face.

Dr Oxford, who has been studying the spiders since 1993, said that the unusual markings of the arachnid had made them a symbol of all of Hawaii's threatened wildlife.

"They are ambassadors for all the threatened invertebrates, insects and spiders on Hawaii," he said. (from London's Daily Telegraph)

> Watch a short video of the spider.

> Learn more about Theridion grallator (the happy face spider)


  1. What an amazing spider! I am so amazed at nature sometimes. This is a real reflection of Truth is stranger than Fiction.

    I love how I can count on this blog to always make my day!

    Iyabo Asani

  2. Awww shucks. Thanks so much for the kind words!

  3. Hi There!

    What an incredible looking spider! It's almost unreal, until I watched the video.

    I will admit, I'd still be terrified of it at first glance. At least until I realized it was smiling at me. Then, I'd smile back! :-) A smile is still contagious even when it's coming from an eight-legged friend. :-)

    Many Blessings....
    Roxanne and Hugo ~ Believe Achieve


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