Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hero Cop Saves Toddler from Train & Inspires Children

I'm sure you might have seen this story on the news recently - it's pretty amazing (and in Wisconsin!). It's always great to hear about someone acting selflessly to save others. In case you missed it, here is the deal (if you know the scoop, just skip to the video below):
Monday's Memorial Day Parade in Elm Grove [WI] was canceled after an accident on the train tracks. But the tragedy could have been even worse if it weren't for the actions of a West Allis man and Elm Grove Police Officer John Krahn.

Tim Weiner was on his way to the parade when he saw a van get stuck between the gates on the train tracks on Juneau in Elm Grove. Inside the van was a 23-year old mother, Monica Partenfelder and her 2-year old son.

"She kind of panicked. I don't blame her. She probably didn't see where the train was coming from. You could hear it was getting close," Weiner said.

The wheels of the van were lodged on the tracks. She was trapped. That's when the boy's father, Scott Partenfelder, who was riding in a different car, raced to try to get the mother and son out in time. Witnesses say Officer John Krahn also came out of nowhere to help.

"I couldn't figure out why he wasn't getting away from the car. But I later found out there was a child in the back. So he was reaching in the back when the train hit the car. He was trying to get the child out. This guy is a hero," Weiner said.

The two men got the mother out of the van in time, but they couldn't get the 2-year old boy out of the car seat. The train smashed into the van, knocking the vehicle into both Partenfelder and Officer Krahn. Witnesses say even after the crash, Officer Krahn was only worried about the boy's safety.

"I ran over to the police officer, and his leg was pretty bad, and all he said to me was "Get the kid out of the van!" and he was screaming and yelling in pain," Weiner said.

The 2-year old was in the van when the train collided with it head on. Incredibly, the young boy wasn't hurt. Officer John Krahn, now in the hospital, is being praised for his actions.

"That cop, that guy's a hero as far as I'm concerned. He really didn't have to be there, he didn't have to do that. But he did," Weiner said. (from MSNBC)
I also really liked this video about Krahn's impact in a local elementary school where he children know him as the "D.A.R.E." cop. His heroic actions inspired some great discussion with the kids.


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1 comment:

  1. Once again, you show us that "People are Good."
    Thank you.
    Giovanna Garcia
    Imperfect Action is better than No Action


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