Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Top 10 "Happiest Endings" of the Last Decade

Newsweek has put together a myriad of top 10 lists of the last decade, but this one is my favorite - the top 10 happiest endings.

All are goose-bump inducing and wonderful....and sublime :)

Here is the full list with links to the well written overviews:
  1. Miracle on the Hudson
  2. Rescue of Euna Lee and Laura Ling
  3. Rescued Miners in Pennsylvania
  4. 2004 Red Sox Victory
  5. Captain Phillips’ Rescue
  6. Subway Hero Wesley Autrey
  7. Ashley Smith Robinson
  8. Martin Tankleff’s Release From Prison
  9. Aron Ralston’s Survival Story
  10. Elizabeth Smart
> Read past rescue stories at Sublime Goodness

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing these stories. It never ceases to amaze me how the human spirit and strength could triumph and overcome the most harrowing circumstances. Every story is a point on the map to human empowerment. Being able to bounce back, share their stories with others and live more after these experiences shows true courage and faith.

    P.S. Go to and discover how you could empower your spirit and your life.


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