Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Duo's Secret Acts of Kindness for a Month

This story is so inspiring and what I love about it is that it's simple, yet profoundly moving. I am vowing to try and do some "secret" acts of kindness very soon. With just a little money and some covert ingenuity, you can make someone's day.

Dubbed the "Helping Hands Project," a dynamic duo (Karla & Amy) from the organization Hope Heals performed secret acts of kindness for the entire month of March in their community. It included such things as leaving umbrellas on a rainy day (with a note), care packages for the homeless, notes of encouragement on random cars, buying meals for people in the car behind them, paying for strangers' gas, and much more. Read the month-long recap at their blog here.

Watch the video from CNN:

*Hat tip to DailyGood for the story.


  1. I love the idea of "secret" rather than "random" acts of kindness. Secrets are so often thought of as negative that it's refreshing to see them in a positive light.

  2. I love random and secret :) I made some smile-cards myself, and am planning what to do with them. your gave me an idea, thank you

  3. What a wonderful thing this two are doing. Now that is sublime goodness!

    Thanks for the idea.
    Giovanna Garcia
    Imperfect Action is better than No Action

  4. Thanks all - I truly love this inspiring!

  5. Thanks so much for sharing our story!

    We had a wonderful time doing it and we invite everyone to stick with us in our future projects by visiting our blog.

    Best to you and your readers!
