Saturday, June 13, 2009

Guy Starts Dance Party - Music Festival Video

This is great and a special thank you to my friend Brent who has now given me two posts within a week now.

For some reason, this video reminds me of Susan Boyle (of Britain's Got Talent fame).

Why? Because when it starts, you can see everyone around kind of going "what's up with that guy?" and just amused. But then one by one, people start dancing with him and by the end of it, everyone is having fun and part of something bigger and organic.



  1. I just love your blog... and I loved this! I posted it on my blog too and gave you a shout out-- :+)RR

  2. I've seen this video on a few sites in the last couple weeks, and it really made me think.

    I realized that if you're passionate about something, and you do it because you believe in it, it doesn't matter what anybody else says - you won't be discouraged. And if you can work passionately on a worthwhile cause, then you will succeed, and others will join you.

    This is what I want to do. So let's start right now.

  3. Wow what a great example of creating a movement by simply acting. At first almost everyone was laughing at him and then they came around. By the end of the video there were way more people dancing than sitting around.

    It took a lot of courage for the first person to put himself out there and as much perhaps even more for the second to join him. What is interesting is after those two began the growth exploded from there.

    Made me wonder how many movements fail because no one is willing to put themselves out there?

    Thanks again for sharing!

  4. Simply Inspiring.
    That's interesting, isn't it? It illustrates how It takes one person to start something, no matter how small, and as long as that persson is commited, others will follow. Soon it will snowball into something amazing.

    At first, we don't want to be seen as an outcast. So we're reluctant to take part, for fear of what other people think of us. Slowly, as more and more people join the cause, minds change, and the fear of being labeled an outcast is gone. Humans want to belong and be part of a group. Something that group gets stale.

    Let's shake it up a bit, shall we?

    Dance Dance!

  5. Wow I love this video! I agree with Tony, if one person starts doing something valuable, it can snowball in no time. It only takes SOMEONE to start and people will follow and dancing is just great, no matter how foolish or silly it looks.
    This reminds me of Michael Jackson's song "Man in the Mirror", where it says "If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the CHANGE!"

    Again, amazing, inspiring video, thank you for sharing!

  6. Thanks all - so glad you liked it. I love it too and yes, do something!

    Big things do start small...

  7. thanks cris, i also have seen this video and really liked it. it was pure and natural not staged or planned. those types of things are the best times in life.

    it is interesting when one person starts with a good idea and others hear or see the message. it could make the world a happier place if we can all spread joy and love. :)

  8. This is a great post. I love how sites like this exist where people can view great things happening everywhere. Keep finding more videos for us to view on here - stumbled across this site and got a real kick out of this video. Sent it to a few others to spread the unity. Cheers.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. You have to be a little insane sometimes to get things moving, but people have an amazing ability to snowball big things things out of small gestures, don't they? Think about that every time you walk past a sad looking boat sitting on a wall. It's too late when the kings' horses and men are required.

  11. Love this video!! What a show of the power of the human spirit!

  12. I came across this vid the other day and it blew me away. Initially, I thought the first guy to get up was mocking the dancer (and perhaps he was, at first), but then when I saw the amazing reaction from the crowd, I had a huge smile on my face.

    Pure enjoyment from just one man, spread to a whole crowd who were perhaps too scared to reveal their own enjoyment. It must have been amazing to watch from the stage!

  13. Wow, the power of being yourself!

  14. Thanks for posting this!

    I love that the man wasn't looking at the crowd for his cues, but following his heart. It was pure.

    Whether or not he was blazed out of his mind is irrelevant - if he had been looking at the crowd and trying to entertain them, they wouldn't have joined him.

    I love how little clips like this give a glimpse of the bigger picture.

  15. This video and the man that started it all are amazing. At first you watch it and think "Uh-oh are people going to make fun of him for what he's doing" and then you continut to watch and see the impact he's having. Then you realize that, everyone wanted to do this, but it took one person to have the courage to start, to not care what people thought, and that one person made the others feel brave, energized and excited to join him. We all want to be that person to that makes a difference, sometimes we just need a little push.

  16. What an amazing post! Having been to some dance parties myself, one of the most amazing feelings is being with a group of people lost in abandonment to the music, just loving life! This video captures the person who was the spark in all those others peoples desire - it just blew me away. This is the person who dances like nobody's watching!! Cheers - Theresa

  17. I'll admit that I did smile at this video the first two times I watched it. If you think about the actions in here the only thing to smile at is the guy dancing and just doing his thing. The person filming it laughing at him is nothing to smile about. The guy who dances with him, mocking him (In my opinion) is nothing to smile at. I even think the first 6 or 7 people are his buddies who decided to jump in on it too.

    After that the whole thing takes a mob mentality, no one knows why they are doing what they are doing. They see someone else doing it so they figure it's something they should be doing.

    When people are in a group they become like puppets almost, they stop thinking before they act and just follow suit. This time it was something harmless and almost nice. Next time it might be a riot....

    Just something to think about.

  18. I'll agree with "Anonymous" above that the first guy was probably mocking while looking back at his friends for approval, and POSSIBLY the next small group too.

    And you're right; after that it DOES become a mob mentality. In this case it turned out good - it's just a bunch of people having fun at a concert. And yes, sometimes it can turn out bad, like a riot.

    But here's the lesson I took from this: There IS such a thing as "mob mentality," as you call it. It seems to be hard-wired into who we are as people. We want to be a part of something - we want to belong. And often we'll just jump in because other people are doing it.

    If we can understand that it happens all the time, and use our skills and influence to direct it in a positive, helpful way, instead of a destructive way, I think we'll be in good shape.

  19. Wow! That is really inspiring... It’s amazing how people go from, “I can’t believe that guys up there dancing like that and making a fool out of himself!” to, “Hey, lets get up there. It looks like fun!!” It just goes to show what you can accomplish as an individual.

    It’s awesome to see someone not pay any attention to, nor care who’s around him and stick to what HE (or she) believes in. He probably even thought that he would be teased or ridiculed because of what he was doing but it didn’t matter what others thought. He wanted to express himself and that’s what he did. Could you imagine what the world would be like if ALL of us had that mentality? What we could accomplish? Think about this. If one can have that great of an impact, what can many?


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