A lot has happened in the last day. It is rare that one person can become so universally beloved in such a fractured society we supposedly live in ("red-state, blue-state,etc"). It seems that there is one thing we can all agree on - Chesley Sullenberger is a hero and let's show our gratitude!
Already, when I logged onto Facebook this evening there is a growing number of grass-roots "Chesley Sullenberger" pages for Facebook members to become fans of and "Chesley Sullenberger" groups for members to join. What touches me more than seeing literally about 100,000 people (by my count and growing rapidly) become public supporters of this man from all corners of the earth is to see the overwhelming number of emotional words of thanks. Here are just a few:
I am so impressed at such a wonderful and heroic job. I am planning on getting my pilots license and I would be happy if I could be even half as brave and knowledgeable as you are. You are my hero.
You are a true hero. I haven't flown in since 2000, but you...you my dear man have given me hope. You have done a remarkable thing. My faith has been restored. I just might take that short flight to Hawaii with my family after all....
Sully, you are a true hero. I hope that people will teach their children that people like you, your co-captain, flight staff, the ferry boat staff, and first responders are the true heroes...
I am still awestruck.
hi im gabi and im 8 years old I am very proud of you. P.S. this is my dads facebook but email me back!!!!!!
Amazing job Sully! America loves you!
Your actions yesterday not only saved 155 lives they also impacted millions of lives. God Bless YOU!
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An update to this post - if you haven't watched the short video of the captain's homecoming, you need to do so:
His wife is so proud!